Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Internet Essay -- Communications, Media

HypothesesHypothesis 1 The lower the perceived complexity of using internet, the more apparent that internet allow be adopted for the ornamental plant business.Perceived complexity. The steerings perceptions of difficulties in using internet are important multivariate to associate it with their behavior to use the technology. Characteristics of innovation as the factors of adoption of innovation (2003) have been tested by many scholars. Innovation adoption is usually to be related with its perceived complexity (Rogers, 2003). Meanwhile, Tan & Teo (2000) found that self-efficacy is important variable, in which the more confident the internet users, the more likely they adopt internet-based banking service. Cooper and Zmud (1990) as well found that remedy technical skills to implement and use of particular technology may increase the chances to adopt the technology. Thus, perceived easiness to use internet will likely associated with internet adoption for ornamental plant busi ness.Hypothesis 2 The lower the perceived expensiveness of using internet, the more likely that internet will be adopted for ornamental flower businessPerceived relative advantage perceived expensiveness, overcoming space, and widening market area. Other thing than technical complexity is how management perceives the relative advantage of using internet. Perceived expensiveness is important indicator of relative advantage. Changs study as quoted by Saverin & Tankard (2000) shows that factor economic particularly low-budget price is important factor to predict innovation adoption. Similarly, the characteristics of internet adopters are not different from the typical of earlier adopters in other innovation, due to better access to resources and higher soci... ...ty, then it could be useful to identify who are the elites and who are the marginal segments with regard to the socio-economic characteristic and ecological environment differences as hypothesized above. in that location could be also consequences of the adoption and not adoption of internet to the business activities. Agricultural knowledge, brotherly connection, market behaviors could be among different things that experienced by the both segment groups due to technological distinction. All of these factors may determine the survival of the business activities in the long run. Thereafter, the research questions areDoes digital divide be due to unequal access of internet that is experienced by ornamental plant business community?What are the impacts of this digital gap to the sustainability of the disadvantaged social segments of ornamental plant business community?

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