Friday, May 17, 2019

The Gods Must Be Crazy

The funny frivol away showed that the differentiate existences of the genteel expanse and the native yet calm society of the bushmen manifest an withal contrasting character of worlds in terms of the par I = P x A x T, an equation formulated to describe the impact of human activity on the surroundings. where Human Impact (I) on the environment equals the product of population (P), affluence (A consumption per capita) and technology (T environmental impact per unit of consumption).In the primitive population of the Bushmen, it would be believed and manifested in the film that their human impact on the environment of the Kalahari Desert is patently less than that of the civilized world found on the city since the living Bushmen are not to a fault many in number, they are just about twenty or so. Being primitive, they also had a very low level of technology. They are just using soft raw materials provided by their environment, thus, they cannot sire more than products, put ting their affluence also on a low level.In the civilized world somewhere in South Africa, the city, which is densely populated by busy civilized individuals (since the rise of the industrial societies equates to an exponenti in ally increasing human population), greatly developed their technology which in return enormously caution in developing their affluence, has indeed a greater human impact on the environment of the area they are residing in South Africa relative to the primitive population of the bushmen living in the Kalahari Desert, as seen with the tallish buildings, long roadways and road bridges and other landscapes that could attest to this great impact.The Gods must Be CrazyThe Gods Must Be Crazy This film tries to send a message on how globalization can negatively affect a culture such as the Sho sept of the Kalahari Desert. The people of a technologically invoke and civilized culture decide to casually discard an empty Coca Cola bottle from the window of an airp lane. A member of the primitive Sho tribe witnesses this object falling from the skies and considers it a gift from the gods. In his intelligence this is an object to be worshiped and must have been sent by the Gods to benefit his tribe, therefore he gave it to his people.Prior to the institution of the Coca Cola bottle the people of the tribe were peaceful, satisfied, and shared with each other. There was no hotshot of possession or greed, no jealousy, nor did they physically harm one another physically or purposefully. The tribe found many beneficial uses for this gift, such as making music, pounding on dough, and abrasion flour. All of these things were accomplished before the appearance of the bottle, yet now the task seemed to have been made easier.Since all of the members of the tribe had different uses and needs for the bottle, it became a commodity, a desired possession of value it was no nightlong a worshipped object. This created discourse among the people and led to the physical injury of a child, due to a malicious act that resulted in hitting the child with the bottle. The tribe now felt shame at their behavior and questioned the Gods for sending them this evil thing, which the tribe removed from their presence and returned to their peaceful ethnical ways.A current example of the above situation would be the introduction of cell phones and laptops to a culture based on home phones and office computers. One would consider the technological advances of cell phones and laptops as a gift, that will alter their life, free up more personal sentence and save them money. Instead what has occurred is that you spend more metre on learning how to use these items, you are now more easily available and thus more occupied, and you spend more money on the attachments and upgrades needed to keep these items current and functional.Now your life is more alter and busier than ever, however unlike the Sho tribe most people in our culture cannot or more sign ificantly will not go to the end of the earth (or their trash can) and toss them away. Another important argue that this films illustrates is the differences in communications and personal views in different cultures. Such as how in most civilized cultures shaking your head from side to side indicates No or negative, however to the Sho tribe this gesture essence Yes or positive.This causes a lot of confusion when communicating between the devil cultures. There is a shooting in the movie when the man from the Sho tribe sees a white woman for the first time, which accurately portrays the cultural differences in personal views and taste. He contemplates her appearance, her actions and physical build. Though the woman in her own culture would be considered quite pretty, normal and physically fit, to this man of the Sho tribe she was ugly, crazy and too fat.In his view the womans skin is too white, it was a very hot day yet she is fully covered in clothing, she has a large body shape and must require too much food to induce her. This can be seen as a difference in opinion, if it were not for the extremity of the opposite points of view. The two cultures considered the woman in different ways because of what they are accustomed to as well as where and how they were raised. When mentation in terms of Globalization a person generally feels that their culture is the best.That their culture should be everyday and those that follow other cultures are primitive, difficult, and wrong. Consider how some cultures attempt to change others through political, business, and religious means. For example the fall in States tries to entrance other countries to change to a democratic system of government because it is the best, however they do this mostly to promote or facilitate the political agendas of the United States. Coca Cola uses the popularity of its products to influence other countries to buy more by inundating them with advertisements and business opportunities. As for religion, look at how many cultures within the United States now celebrate Christmas along with or in place of their cultural holidays that occur during the same time period. The movie for the most part points out the differences between a modern civilized society and an rare world civilization and how they view life, religion, and politics in totally different ways. However there were also some similarities in the cultures which assist in the processes of communication, in business transactions, and political dealings with each other.

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