Saturday, May 25, 2019

Joint Family is Better Than a Nuclear Family

Now days we rarely see roast family. yet I believe that Joint family have more advantages than thermonuclear family. Basic on the wholey we have to understand what a joint family means, our father says, his siblings and their families living together mess be considered a joint family. In joint families all the family members sit together and discuss their own promblems with the family members. In nuclear families there are solely the parents and the children.The advantage is that you can spends more meter with your children and you become a person of your own will. And the disadvantage is that you do not have the guidance or the friendship of the elders to back up us in the difficult times. In joint family if any one person in the house is facing any kind of problem, all the people will come together to help him and will try to find the solution for that problem and will solve it. While in nuclear family we have to solve it own and no one is there to help us. Joint family is d efinitely a boon ever so.We learn so many things which help a person to build up his personality In the current scenario, both the couples have to work to run a family in that case, if there is or so elder to take care of the kids at home, then the parents could work without much of stress. In urban areas like chennai you hardly get to see any joint family. We lose many valuable experiences when we grow in a nuclear family. But if you grow up in a joint family you naturally scarper to be more adjusive and caring. You will be affiliated to your family members ,i am not saying people growing in nuclear family are not attached but they do not know how to express it.In joint family their is lot of love and affection for each and every member of the family, while in nuclear family love and affection is not as much which is their in joint family because everyone is busy in their own life and no one has time for each other. On the other hand joint family has some harmful effects also l ike In joint family their weaker person will always be weaker because He/she believe that other are their to help him out in problem, while in nuclear family the weaker will try to become unfaltering as he/she knows that their is no one to help him out in the problem. .

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