Friday, May 31, 2019

Discovering the Things that Make Us Human: Evolution of the Brain :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Discovering the Things that Make Us Human Evolution of the Brain There is a powerful sentiment among many the great unwashed that adult male beings atomic number 18 the most intelligent and complex animals on earth. Our ability to use language is matched by no other species. It makes sense to assume that whichever characteristics of the human mentality arent possessed by other animals, specifically primates, our closest evolutionary relatives, are the ones responsible for the acquisition, production, and comprehension of language. As the relatively new field of neuroscience develops, scientists are beginning to study the evolutionary relationships of brain organization and function in an effort to understand the realms of the brain responsible for language, abstract thought, and self-expression. This discipline, known as Paleoneurology, examines the tuition of the hominid brain (1). Paleoneurology has its roots in the fields of neurology, paleoanthropology, and primatology. Ther e are two methods used by Paleoneurologists to study brain evolution the examination of fossil skulls and endocasts, and comparative primate neuroanatomy (2). The study of the evolution of the brain is useful, because it allows for an understanding of the origins of the structural differences between humans and other animals--in effect, what makes us human. According to the fossil record, the first brain structure appeared in reptiles around 500 million years ago. The functions of this hindbrain included breathing, heart beat regulation, balance, basic motor movements, and foraging skills (1). An interesting elan in brain evolution is that more than evolved species tend to preserve the structures responsible for basic behaviors. In other words, evolution is the process of acquiring more and more sophisticated structures, not simply the addition of different structures. Therefore, the modern human brain contains the primitive hindbrain region, often called the protereptilin brain (1), and it is the seat of fundamental homeostatic functions. The major structures found in this region of the brain are the Pons and Medulla. About 250 million years after the appearance of the hindbrain, a new region known as the paleomammalian brain arose. This region consists of the hippocampus and cerebellum and is often referred to as the limbic system. As might be expected, this region is associated with more complex functions such as emotional, sexual, and fighting behaviors (1). The newest and most intricate area of the brain, the cerebrum, was first developed around 200 million years ago. The highly convoluted surface of the cerebrum is called the neocortex.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Internet Essay -- Communications, Media

HypothesesHypothesis 1 The lower the perceived complexity of using internet, the more apparent that internet allow be adopted for the ornamental plant business.Perceived complexity. The steerings perceptions of difficulties in using internet are important multivariate to associate it with their behavior to use the technology. Characteristics of innovation as the factors of adoption of innovation (2003) have been tested by many scholars. Innovation adoption is usually to be related with its perceived complexity (Rogers, 2003). Meanwhile, Tan & Teo (2000) found that self-efficacy is important variable, in which the more confident the internet users, the more likely they adopt internet-based banking service. Cooper and Zmud (1990) as well found that remedy technical skills to implement and use of particular technology may increase the chances to adopt the technology. Thus, perceived easiness to use internet will likely associated with internet adoption for ornamental plant busi ness.Hypothesis 2 The lower the perceived expensiveness of using internet, the more likely that internet will be adopted for ornamental flower businessPerceived relative advantage perceived expensiveness, overcoming space, and widening market area. Other thing than technical complexity is how management perceives the relative advantage of using internet. Perceived expensiveness is important indicator of relative advantage. Changs study as quoted by Saverin & Tankard (2000) shows that factor economic particularly low-budget price is important factor to predict innovation adoption. Similarly, the characteristics of internet adopters are not different from the typical of earlier adopters in other innovation, due to better access to resources and higher soci... ...ty, then it could be useful to identify who are the elites and who are the marginal segments with regard to the socio-economic characteristic and ecological environment differences as hypothesized above. in that location could be also consequences of the adoption and not adoption of internet to the business activities. Agricultural knowledge, brotherly connection, market behaviors could be among different things that experienced by the both segment groups due to technological distinction. All of these factors may determine the survival of the business activities in the long run. Thereafter, the research questions areDoes digital divide be due to unequal access of internet that is experienced by ornamental plant business community?What are the impacts of this digital gap to the sustainability of the disadvantaged social segments of ornamental plant business community?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Texture of the Sixth Poem of Song of Myself :: Song of Myself Essays

The Texture of the Sixth Poem of Song of Myself   In number six of Whitmans poetic series Song of Myself, it seems that he is trying to convey the point that to die is not what people make it out to be. Whitman throughout many of the poems in this series, describes finale as lucky and beneficial. He also explains how expiration leads to the beginning of life in this poem. The tone at the very beginning of this poem seems a numeral youthful. Especially when the question What is grass? is posed to him by a child. This opening line gives you a great mental picture of a child active the age of five or six, walking up and asking innocently a question that you cannot answer. By using the line, fetching it to me with full/ hands Whitman gives you that meet right from the beginning. From there he goes into this sort of naïve tone, guessing what grass means. By doing so he shows himself to be mortal and not all-knowing.   During this time in the poem, he gives beautiful met aphorical imagery, comparing the grass to other things and illustrating a better idea of what the grass is. Also during this speculation period, the wording arrests denser, as the ideas become complex. Whitman moves from the single-lined childish voice, into the adult stage of the poem. Here, he becomes surer of what the grass is and does less guessing. Around line 101, Whitman starts toward the turning point in the essay, describing the death aspect of the grass. Words give care dark change the mood of the poem to a slower, sadder state. At line 110, the poem takes a sudden change and reads much quicker. It changes into a kind of competition and Whitman speaks more affirmatively. Now it seems as if he has been enlightened and understands what the grass is. The feeling of death changes to life and darkness changes to light.   In a subtle way, he gives the ref a feeling of lightness and life, because in the last four lines he begins all of the lines with As and as you read i t you get that choral Hallelujah feeling. Whitman shows you the light. He tells you why death is a good thing. There is no more fear. To die is different from what any one supposed, and/luckier.

Eulogy for Grandmother :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for GrandmotherI looked at myself in the mirror. I noticed the lines of my face and the curve of my neck. I looked down at my transfer remembering the moment I first realized that they looked like hers. Long, thin, delicate men perfect for playing the piano or braiding cornrows. all my life I had not noticed until the day I sat at her bedside holding her hand in mine. She had told me that she was not afraid to die. We sat in silence for a long time, sometimes sharing a stare and a smile. I dont know how long I sat there, looking at her, realizing for the first time who I looked so much like. As I stood in front of the mirror, I remembered that day as I prepared for her funeral. Sarah Smith, my grandmothers press release home day. My father asked me to do her eulogy. I had thought and thought of what to say. The words didnt come until the morning of her funeral. That morning I went to the lake where me, my brothers, and my sister would go swimming in the summer on weekend v isits to my grandmothers. As I soaked in the sun and watched its rays dance on the waters a memory came. As a child there were only two people that I would let touch my hair, my mother and my grandmother. Cornrowing my hair was an event when my grandmother did it. She would take me out on the stoop, bringing a chair for herself, and I would sit in front of her with my head between her knees. Moving my head in reaction to the slightest direction from her hands became natural. Other women and children would come and sit while she picked out my hair and greased my scalp. I would listen to the women talk. I dont remember anything that was said but I do remember the comfort of the stoop and my grandmothers fingers doing magic in my hair.Sitting on the dock I realized that I had never known my grandmothers life story. I dont know the struggles she must have had as a black woman in the South raising two sons alone because her husband beat her, and she had told him abounding was seemly. I dont know what it was that kept her divergence through poverty. I do know that her trust and love in God was deeply rooted in her heart.Eulogy for Grandmother Eulogies EulogyEulogy for GrandmotherI looked at myself in the mirror. I noticed the lines of my face and the curve of my neck. I looked down at my hands remembering the moment I first realized that they looked like hers. Long, thin, delicate hands perfect for playing the piano or braiding cornrows. wholly my life I had not noticed until the day I sat at her bedside holding her hand in mine. She had told me that she was not afraid to die. We sat in silence for a long time, sometimes sharing a stare and a smile. I dont know how long I sat there, looking at her, realizing for the first time who I looked so much like. As I stood in front of the mirror, I remembered that day as I prepared for her funeral. Sarah Smith, my grandmothers going home day. My father asked me to do her eulogy. I had thought and thought of what to sa y. The words didnt come until the morning of her funeral. That morning I went to the lake where me, my brothers, and my sister would go swimming in the summer on weekend visits to my grandmothers. As I soaked in the sun and watched its rays dance on the waters a memory came. As a child there were only two people that I would let touch my hair, my mother and my grandmother. Cornrowing my hair was an event when my grandmother did it. She would take me out on the stoop, bringing a chair for herself, and I would sit in front of her with my head between her knees. Moving my head in reaction to the slightest direction from her hands became natural. Other women and children would come and sit while she picked out my hair and greased my scalp. I would listen to the women talk. I dont remember anything that was said but I do remember the comfort of the stoop and my grandmothers fingers doing magic in my hair.Sitting on the dock I realized that I had never known my grandmothers life story. I dont know the struggles she must have had as a black woman in the South raising two sons alone because her husband beat her, and she had told him enough was enough. I dont know what it was that kept her going through poverty. I do know that her trust and love in God was deeply rooted in her heart.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- essays research papers fc

Child AbuseChild abuse is a very serious and controversial issue that is escalating in todays society. As we account back to the 1940s and 1950s, it was almost unheard of to let anyone outside of your immediate family know anything about your personal life. Every family was thought to be, or shown to the general frequent to be, the perfect family. Some schools had the authority to punish a pincer by either spanking them with a paddle or hitting their knuckles with a ruler. Child abuse is one of the leading causes of childhood deaths in this nation. Statistics show every 4 seconds a child is abused and every 7 legal proceeding a childs life is lost (Neglect 1).We as a society need to work together to try to think of alternative ways of disciplining our children. A child is a gift from God and should be treated as such. I do understand that with the hectic life styles of todays society, sometimes it proficient seems like life is a struggle and just too much. Spanking a child as c orrective action is one thing, but thrashing a child, ripping his or her hair out, locking him or her in a closet, or verbally abusing a child is unacceptable. One solution we place consider is...

Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- essays research papers fc

Child AbuseChild abuse is a very serious and controversial issue that is escalating in todays society. As we look back to the 1940s and 1950s, it was almost unheard of to let anyone outside of your immediate family know anything about your personal life. Every family was thought to be, or shown to the universal public to be, the perfect family. Some schools had the authority to punish a child by either spanking them with a paddle or hitting their knuckles with a ruler. Child abuse is one of the leading causes of childhood deaths in this nation. Statistics show every 4 seconds a child is abused and every 7 minutes a childs life is lost (Neglect 1).We as a society need to work together to try to think of alternative ways of disciplining our children. A child is a gift from God and should be treated as such. I do understand that with the hectic life styles of todays society, sometimes it just seems like life is a struggle and just too much. Spanking a child as corrective action is on e thing, however beating a child, ripping his or her hair out, locking him or her in a closet, or verbally abusing a child is unacceptable. One effect we can consider is...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Foundations of Learning and Collaborative Working Essay

Discuss the concept of collaborative functional within your professional area To be able to understand the rationale, the different factors influencing the outcome of collaborative functional and how this can be applied to Perioperative practice, it is important to have a sound understanding of the concept Collaborative Working. This concept has many terminological variations, one of the to a greater extent frequently used is Inter-professional running(a). Hornby and Atkins (2000) state that collaborative accomplishmenting is a relationship between two or more people, groups or organisations, functional together to narrow and achieve a common purpose. Barrett et al (2005) declares that inter-professional working is the process whereby members of different professions and/or agencies work together to provide integrated health and/or accessible care for the benefit of service users. Disregarding what is seen as the correct/incorrect terminology, the common denominator here is th at all health care staff/ agencies are working together to provide the best healthcare possible for patients and service users.There have been many debates about the variation in terminology, Leathard (19945) refers to it as terminological slack that has been created due to rapid developments in practice, and in her analysis of terms, Leathard (19946) prefers to use the term multi-professional as it infers a wider group of professionals. In this instance the term Collaborative working will be used. Over the years there have been many drivers behind the rationale for collaborative working dating as far backside as the 1960s in the USA, where Henderson (1966) reports that one hospital has weekly inter-professional ward conferences. The idea of collaborative working is therefore not a relatively sore concept. In recent years increased emphasis has been placed on collaborative working and the need to work together due to changes in technology, obligation and g all overnment reports . Technological advances such as telecommunication is now used by surgical staff to live feed surgical procedures to other move of the world. This has aided remote-area surgeons in their own practices (Shields & Werder 2002)Similarly, the introduction of the National wellness Service (NHS) direct advice line has created a way in which doctors can consult patients over the telephone. However a study by the Economic and Social Research Council (2005) concluded that telemedicine is disappearing compared to NHS direct advice line. The introduction to new machinery which takes blood pressures automatically sooner than manually, this and other technological advances have all required healthcare staff to change the ways in which they work collaboratively. On the other hand, Government reports besides change the way in which healthcare professionals work as they are often mandatory measures. The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) was introduced in 1999 under the Agenda for Change. daytime (2006) claims that the use of KSF will enable team leaders to identify gaps in the knowledge and skills of their inter-professional teams.KSF is an essential requirement carried out every year to fancy carry progressions. Collaborative working is also brought about by accountability. All healthcare professionals are governed by a professional body such as the wellness Professions Council (HPC) in which it is their duty to ensure compliance with the legislation on the use of protected titles (HPC, 2008) Not only are registrants responsible to the HPC they are also accountable to statutory and criminal law which means healthcare professionals must interact with patients and staff on an acceptable level at the risk of being prosecuted for their actions. other driver for collaborative working is seen through the ever scrutinizing media. A recent news report by Hughes (2011) titled Emergency surgery patients lives at risk, dictate surgeons is one of the many examples of nega tive media that is putting more pressure on healthcare professionals to work more collaboratively. On the other hand, many of the public viewing audience do not see the bias in the majority of these news reports and many examples of good collaboration is missed.Resulting from the rationale behind why people work together it is important to understand the ways in which people do work together. Safe Surgery Saves Lives was an initiative that arose in 2006 by the World Health Organization and in 2008 a Surgical Safety Checklist was released globally. Research proved that postoperative complication rates fell by 36% on total and the checklist has also improved communication among the surgical teams. (Haynes, B.A et al, 2009, Pg 496) Many trusts also have a theatre list policy and this ensures that staff are working collaboratively to ensure the lists are correct, accurate and the most important procedures have been prioritised. The idea differentiates among the trusts, but is most com monly referred to as a Group hug. This is carried out each sunrise before any surgical procedures commence and it is a chance for staff to collaborate and share any ideas or concerns over that days list.A big part of collaborative work, especially in peri-operative care, is about recognising each others skills and importance thus the idea of inter-professional learning. Kenward & Kenward (2011, pg 35-39) outlines the importance of mentors, stating that mentors should act as role models for students of all professions. Further promoting this the General Medical Council (2006) document on Good Medical Practice propounds that doctors also act as role models to filter and inspire and motivate others. It is evident that there are many ways in which healthcare staff work together, however major issues are nonoperational identified around the factors that influence the outcomes of collaborative working. Miscommunication has been identified as a reoccurring problem. Certain behavioral pa tterns among peri-operative staff which included ignoring requests they did not understand, failing to seek clarification, failing to speak loudly enough to be heard and communicating information to the wrong person. (Gardezi et al 2009, pg 1390-1399)This can be fatal especially in the geek of Elaine Bromiley who had undergone a routine sinus surgical procedure. Due to a breakdown in communication between surgeons, Elaine unfortunately died. A video titled expert a routine operation, (LaerdalMedical, 2011) released after the death of Elaine Bromiley, identifies the breakdown in communication between the surgeons and the theatre nurses who had actually witnessed the surgeons distress and suggested an alternative rule to intubating the patient which was ignored. This concept has been previously recognised as professional separatism. DAmour et al (2005) argued that because professional groups are educated separately they are and so socialised into discipline-specific thinking.Rese arch concluded that 69% of respondents to a questionnaire they set out reported disagreement between surgeons and nurses. And that 53.4% reported experiencing aggressive behavior from consultant surgeons (Coe and Gould, 2008, Pg 609-618) thereof meaning the outcomes of collaboration will suffer if all professionals do not interact and recognize the importance of other professionals skills. It is evident that collaboration and inter-professional working by and large exists but with the constant changes in peri-operative practice as mentioned previously and the way healthcare is constantly observed, especially by the media, it is evident that collaborative working is a continuous development or a lifelong learning process. As technology changes and government policies are continually released it is inevitable that the ways in which healthcare professionals work together will also change and develop.ReferencesBarret, G, Sellman, D and Thomas. J (2005) Inter-professional working in Hea lth and Social Care Professional Perspectives. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. Coe, R and Gould, D (2008) Disagreement and aggression in the operating theatre. Journal of Advanced breast feeding. Volume 61, Issue 6, Pg 609-618. Day, J (2006) Inter-professional working An essential guide for health-and social-care professionals. Cheltenham Nelson Thornes. DAmour, D, Ferrada-Videla, M, San Martin Rodrigues, L and Beaulieu, M (2005) The conceptual basis for inter-professional Collaboration Core concepts and theoretical frameworks. Journal of Inter-professional Care. Supplement 1, Pg 116-131. Economic and Social Research Council (2005) Telemedicine revolution is disappearing from the NHS. Online Available at (Accessed 8 October 2011) Gardezi, F, Lingard, L, Espin, S, Whyte, S, Orser, B and Baker, G.R (2009) Silence, power and communication in the operating room. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Volume 65, Issue 7, Pg 1390-1399. General Medical Council (2006) Goo d Medical Practice guidelines working in teams. Online Available at http// (Accessed 9 October 2011) Haynes, B.A, Weiser, G.T, Berry, R.W, Lipsitz, Sc.D et al (2009) A Surgical Safety Checklist to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in a spheric Population. The New England Journal of Medicine. Volume 360, Issue 5, Pg 496. Health Professions Council (2008-09) Continuing professional development annual report. Online Available at http// (Accessed 8 October 2011)Henderson, V (1966) The nature of Nursing A definition and its implications for practice, research and education. New York. Macmillan. Hornby, S and Atkins, J (2000) Collaborative Care Inter-professional, interagency and interpersonal. Oxford Blackwell. Hughes, D (2011) Emergency Surgery patients lives at risk, say surgeons. BBC news. Online Available at http// (Accessed 8 O ctober 2011) Kenward, L and Kenward, L (2011) Promoting Inter-professional Care in the Perioperative environment. Nursing Standard. Volume 25, Issue 41, Pg 35-39. Proquest Online Available at http// (Accessed 9 October 2011) Laerdal Medical (2011) Just a Routine Operation Online Available at http// (Accessed 9 October 2011) Leathard, A (1994) Going Inter-professional Working Together for Health and Welfare. London Routledge. Shields, L and Werder, H (2002) Perioperative Nursing. Cambridge University Press.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Ethnographic Study: Bikram Yoga

This ethnographic study of the history, rent state and proposed health benefits as understood to be alternative health c are of buckram yoga will consider bibliographic research and will include a first-hand account as well as In work outal interviews. Buckram Chuddar was born in Calcutta, India in 1946. He started to learn yoga poses and theory as young as trio years old. At the age of five Chuddar began to work with Guru Vishnu Gosh who happened to teach children next door to Shuddery home. It was Gosh who encouraged him to compete In the National India Yoga Championship.Chuddar went on to win the championship three institutive years starting at age eleven, making him the youngest champion. At the age of twenty, however, Shuddery knee was crushed by an eighty pound weight dropped by his weight lifting spotter, Western medicine told him that he would be crippled for the duration of his life. Chuddar was reluctant to accept this reality and clear-cut to better the condition of hi s knee with yoga under the supervision of Gosh. It is claimed that he was able to walk and was fully recovered from this life- altering Injury in Just sextuplet to eight months (Slicked, 2003).This miraculous reco truly as Coauthors Inspiration to dedicate his life to the formula and spread of yoga. Gosh taught Chuddar a more traditional Hath yoga picking particularised saunas or postures for specific ailments, (Slicked, 2003). From these teachings, Chuddar chose twenty-six poses meant to be completed twice over, punctuated by a savanna, or corpse pose which acts like a rest period, on with two breathing exercises to be completed in the span of ninety minutes. Each pose is designed to work certain areas of the body such as the spine, knees, digestion system and immune system.This sequence is also designed to be performed in a humid room come aliveed to 105 to 108 degrees Fahrenheit this Is meant to mimic Indians climate, drive on a deeper range of motion for the yogi and help prevent injury (Slicked, 2003). Chuddar made a name for himself in Japan prior to bringing his soil of yoga to the United States and the first Ameri butt end Buckram yoga studio was established in California In 1973 after trading yoga treatment for a park card into the country with President Richard Nixon (Gala, 2009).While yoga In America was Initially popularized amongst the elites and has been associated with movie stars and intellectuals since 1 OFF blood pressure and lengthened ones life span that practice became fashionable amongst the general public, (Gala, 2009). Since then, yoga in general has moved from being more or less a past time to being part of a fitness, health and wellness program amongst many types of people.Those practicing western medicine often see yoga as a benefit in the sense that it is a cardiovascular activity, it is considered relaxing by most and will burn calories that might non have been burned otherwise in patients ho might be grave and reliant o n medications. Whether or not yoga can live up to its vast health claims in Western medicine standards has yet to be determined. crimson still, Buckram yogas popularity through celebrity status or otherwise has made it a billion dollar industry with Chuddar himself collecting 2. 6 trillion dollars in 2003 from teacher training alone (Gala, 2009).Shuddery extensive unabashed wealth and endorsement of competitiveness in what is typically considered to be a spiritual search has brought intimately a certain amount of controversy but has not dampened he interest in the yoga itself. People eachwhere continue to believe in its abilities to heal, ward off ailments and keep the body trim and healthy. When I walk into my Buckram yoga studio in Phoenix I am immediately greeted by a cheerful woman dressed in yoga clothes passing out class schedules to those who just finished a class from behind a desk.I sign my name and remove my shoes at the door. The main room includes a large refrigerat or should you want to purchase a water bottle, racks of mats and towels that can be borrowed and large, luxurious ouches where people sit to await the next class. The locker room around the corner is equipped with an open shelving unit to place your personalized belongings, a shower, a restroom and separate sink unit with a large mirror, towels, decorative soaps, etc. All around, this facility is very well retained and seems to go out of its way to provide comforts and niceties to its patrons.The locker room provides a place for friends to talk to one another but most pass away conversation in the main room. In the locker room I ask my fellow Buckram followers why they chose to incorporate Buckram yoga into their lives. A woman who appeared to be in mid-thirties explained l read that this yoga is the best out in that respect because the heat helps you push out all your toxins, you know, because you sweat so much. I also read that you burn Just a ton of calories which is good bec ause I dont have all the time in the world to spend at the gym. Another, who appeared to be in her twenties and in good physical shape, told her story I was always really active and played mostly association football but I tore my CAL a couple years ago and I cant do all the things I used o. A friend of mine, winsome of a granola girl, brought me here and I have been coming ever since I always olfactory modality like I had a really good use but I dont feel like Im stressing any part of my body too much. In asking a woman who let me know that she was 65 why she considered Buckram yoga to be a benefit to her she said My doctor suggested I try to be more physically active but Im not the girl I used to be m not able to do much really and Im unwilling to subject myself to water aerobics. He the doctor is touch about my blood pressure and my stiffening mints. When he told me about Buckram yoga I about died right there imagining doing something like this in that kind of heat But I g ave it a go, of course I have to bring in a stool to help me balance and I dont do every pose, but I think its helping. I feel a different take on Buckram yoga from the physical payoffs Im a new mom and my motherliness leave ended a few weeks ago. Vive been practicing yoga for years but I like Buckram the best right now.Theres no top 40 unison playing in the background, everyone who is here wants to be here for Just this- not to be seen wearing a cute roust outfit and its Just all about you for an hour and a half. You stare at yourself in the mirror and you hear the instructor but really you Just hear your own breathing. I feel more centered when I leave here. When I enter the classroom I am immediately overwhelmed by the humidity. Being from Phoenix, Arizona I am no stranger to heat but in this classroom the air is thick and Just bordering on difficult to breathe for me.The lights are low and there are already students lying on their back in savanna position. No one speaks in th e room as it assumed to be a peaceful place f meditation. Class begins when the instructor turns the lights on and introduces herself. The instructor makes a point of asking if there is anyone in the room new to Buckram yoga, congratulates them for coming and reminds them to stay in the room, lie on their mats if need be and to have fun. We go through all twenty-six poses, including the breathing exercises, with her dispensing instruction as we ease into each new movement.She also reminds us all to focus on our gaze in the mirror and that our bodies our stronger than our minds are at times so getting through class will quire determination on our parts. For safety reasons students are allowed to drink water as they please but it is discouraged to drink outside of the designated times and while the class in the midst of a pose. However, once the class is finished you can observe the majority of people gulping water hurriedly before getting into the final savanna which concludes the sequence and allows time for personal meditation.While I lay in silence I hazard myself agreeing with the major points my interviewees offered Buckram yoga is a tough but gentle workout for people of all levels and remotes a sense of personal eudaemonia and calm that very few workouts I have tried do. This, however, was Buckram Shuddery aim all along. He believes that if you practice this yoga to the best of your abilities you will live a better, healthy and more peaceful life, (Chuddar, 2010).For Chuddar, physical health and mental peace must coincide for one cannot exist without the other. Martin Marty discusses the importance of recognizing that spirituality and physical health are indeed intertwined in his essay Religion and Healing The Four Expectations. This essay souses more so on faith in the religious sense but for many yoga offers a very spiritual connection to a force that has the power to heal, bring calm and bring like- minded people together to form a sense of commun ity.Marty reminds us that in a typical half year of American publishing Hundreds of New Age titles on health and well-being appeared Imaging, breathing, meditation, herba reheel, and hypnosis are but a few of the many technique for being in tune with the infinite, (Marty, 2005). It can be safely assumed that yoga could be added to that list in which ways people reach out spiritually. Harold Koenig writes in Afterward A Physicians Reflections that we need be focused on healing the whole tender person, (Koenig, 2005).

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Joint Family is Better Than a Nuclear Family

Now days we rarely see roast family. yet I believe that Joint family have more advantages than thermonuclear family. Basic on the wholey we have to understand what a joint family means, our father says, his siblings and their families living together mess be considered a joint family. In joint families all the family members sit together and discuss their own promblems with the family members. In nuclear families there are solely the parents and the children.The advantage is that you can spends more meter with your children and you become a person of your own will. And the disadvantage is that you do not have the guidance or the friendship of the elders to back up us in the difficult times. In joint family if any one person in the house is facing any kind of problem, all the people will come together to help him and will try to find the solution for that problem and will solve it. While in nuclear family we have to solve it own and no one is there to help us. Joint family is d efinitely a boon ever so.We learn so many things which help a person to build up his personality In the current scenario, both the couples have to work to run a family in that case, if there is or so elder to take care of the kids at home, then the parents could work without much of stress. In urban areas like chennai you hardly get to see any joint family. We lose many valuable experiences when we grow in a nuclear family. But if you grow up in a joint family you naturally scarper to be more adjusive and caring. You will be affiliated to your family members ,i am not saying people growing in nuclear family are not attached but they do not know how to express it.In joint family their is lot of love and affection for each and every member of the family, while in nuclear family love and affection is not as much which is their in joint family because everyone is busy in their own life and no one has time for each other. On the other hand joint family has some harmful effects also l ike In joint family their weaker person will always be weaker because He/she believe that other are their to help him out in problem, while in nuclear family the weaker will try to become unfaltering as he/she knows that their is no one to help him out in the problem. .

Friday, May 24, 2019

Hrm Ulrichs Model Essay

?Briefly describe the major features you would expect to find in an HR function which has adopted the Ulrich Model as the basis for its structure. The HR model as defined by Ulrich (1997) states that HR function should be 1. Strategic Partners Sit at the managerial table and contribute to the organisations strategy and alignment of HR strategy. Communicates efficiently with line management. Understands the business environment and drives key business processes and activities2. Change Agents Support, facilitate and come out change,act as a stabilising force for employees in times of change 3.Employee Champions Takes action to protect the interests and well being of the employees and ensuring they ar the voice of the employee. 4. Administrative Experts Ensures polices and procedures are up to date, they are legally compliant and have the ability to deliver innovative HR practices in HR recruitment, employee development and communication In the 1990s Dave Ulrich moved to the three le gged stool model for the organisation of the HR Function, this provided Centres of excellence This is a HR unit or an outsourced facility that provides HR serve to a number of parties within the organisation.HR experts provide high level advice and solutions on key services and hr activities such as training and development, recruitment, return and employee relations. Strategic Business Partners Senior HR Managers work closely with business leaders and line managers to contribute to the overall organisations strategy and align with HR strategy. They determine the business environment and drive key business processes and activities. HRM are expected to be creative Shared Services centres Large organisations provide a centralize HR function which deliver routine HR administration such as payroll, recruitment administration or absence monitoring.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Rh Bill

St. Jude College School of Art Science and Education Manila A Term Paper Submitted as a Requirement For the Subject Philippine Government and Constitution Submitted By Jim Waine C. Averilla Karissa Helene B. Salvador Submitted To Diosdado B. Lopega March 27, 20 HISTORYAccording to the Senate Policy Brief titled Promoting fruitful Health, the history of re productive wellness in the Philippines dates back to 1967 when leaders of 12 countries including the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos signed the Declaration of world The Philippines agreed that the commonwealth problem should be considered as the drumhead element for long-term frugal development.Thus, the Population Commission was created to push for a lower family size norm and succeed information and services to lower fertility rates. Starting 1967, the USAID started shouldering 80% of the total family planning commodities (contraceptives) of the outlandish, which amounted to US$ 3 Million annually. In 1975, the United States adopted as its policy theNational Security exact Memorandum 200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200). The policy flops paramount importance to commonwealth control mea certain(predicate)s and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries, including the Philippines to control rapid creation harvest-tide which they deem to be inimical to the socio-political and stinting harvest-tide of these countries and to the estateal interests of the United States, since the U. S. conomy leave require enceinte and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, and these countries can produce destabilizing opposition commits against the United States. It recommends the US leadership to influence national leaders and that improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought-after(a) through with(predicate) increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programmes by the UN, USIA, and USAID. Different presidents had different argues of emphasis.President Marcos pushed for a systematic dispersion of contraceptives all over the boorish, a policy that was called coercive, by its leading administrator. The Cory Aquino administration foc dod on giving couples the right to shed the number of minorren they prefer, temporary hookup the Ramos government activity shifted from population control to population mete outment. Estrada used mixed methods of reducing fertility rates, while Arroyo focused on mainstreaming cancel family planning, while stating that contraceptives ar openly change in the country.In 1989, the Philippine Legislators military commission on Population and Development (PLCPD) was established, dedicated to the formulation of viable semipublic policies requiring legislation on population management and socio-economic development. In 2000, the Philippines signed the Millennium Declaration and committed to attain the MDG goals by 2015, including promoting gender equality and wellness. In 2003, USAID started its phase out of a 33-year-old program by which superfluous contraceptives were given to the country.Aid recipients such as the Philippines faced the challenge to blood line its own contraception program. In 2004, the Department of Health introduced the Philippines Contraceptive Self-Reliance Strategy, arranging for the reserve of these donations with domestically provided contraceptives. In August 2010, the government announced a collaborative work with the USAID in implementing a comprehensive marketing and communications strategy in favor of family planning called May Plano Sila. Summary of criticismOpp hotshotnts of the bank n champion argue that (1) The worlds leading scientific experts have resolved the issues related to the explanation and show that the RH pinnacle is based on injure economics as the 2003 Rand Corporation study shows that in that location is little cross-country eviden ce that population growth impedes or promotes economic growth. (2) The load takes away limited government funds from treating many high priority medical checkup and food needs and transfers them to fund objectively prejudicious and deadly devices.The latest studies in scientific journals and organizations show that the ordinary turn in control pill, and the IUD be abortifacient to 100-celled human embryos they kill the embryonic human, who as such are human beings equally worthy of respect, making the superlative unconstitutional. (3) US National Defense Consultant, Lionel Tiger, has shown empirical evidence that contraceptives have deleterious affable psycheal effects ( stillbirth, premarital sex, female impoverishment, fatherless children, teenage pregnancies, and meagreness).Harvard School of Public Health scientist Edward Green observes that when people ring theyre made safe by employ condoms at least some of the time, they actually engage in riskier sex, in the phen omenon called risk compensation. in that respect is evidence for increased risk of cancer (breast, cervical, liver) as well as significant increase of risk for heart attack and stroke for current users of oral contraceptives. The increased usage of contraceptives, which implies that some babies are un pauperizationed, willing eventually lead to more abortion the orrelation was shown in a scientific journal and acknowledged by pro-RH leaders, (4) Peoples freedom to access contraceptives is non restricted by any opposing fairness, being available in family planning NGOs, stores, etc. The country is non a welfare differentiate taxpayers money should not be used for personal practices that are harmful and immoral it can be used to inform people of the harm of BCPs. (5) The penal provisions constitute a violation of free choice and conscience, and establishes religious perse make loveion.President Aquino stated he was not an author of the measuring. He also stated that he gives f ull support to a firm population policy, educating parents to be answerable, providing contraceptives to those who ask for them, but he refuses to promote contraceptive use. He state that his position is more aptly called responsible descent rather than reproductive health. Economic and demographic innovates The Philippines is the 39th most densely populated country, with a density over 335 per squared kilometer, and the population growth rate is 1. % (2010 Census), 1. 957% (2010 est. by CIA World Fact Book), or 1. 85% (20052010 high variant estimate by the UN Population Division, World Population Prospects The 2008 Revision) coming from 3. 1 in 1960. The 2010 total fertility rate (TFR) is 3. 23 births per woman, from a TFR of 7 in 1960. In addition, the total fertility rate for the richest quintile of the population is 2. 0, which is about one third the TFR of the littleest quintile (5. 9 children per woman). The TFR for women with college education is 2. , about half that of w omen with only(prenominal) an elementary education (4. 5 children per woman). Congressman Lagman states that the placard recognizes the verifiable link between a huge population and poverty. Unbridled population growth stunts socioeconomic development and aggravates poverty. The University of the Philippines School of Economics presented dickens papers in support of the bill Population and Poverty the Real Score (2004), and Population, Poverty, Politics and the Reproductive Health Bill (2008).According to these economists, which include Solita Monsod, Gerardo Sicat, Cayetano Paderanga, Ernesto M. Pernia, and Stella Alabastro-Quimbo, rapid population growth and high fertility rates, especially among the poor, do exacerbate poverty and make it harder for the government to address it, while at the resembling time clarifying that it would be extreme to view population growth as the principal cause of poverty that would practicedify the government resorting to draconian and coerciv e measures to deal with the problem (e. g. denial of basic services and subsidies to families with more than two children). They illustrate the connection between rapid population growth and poverty by comparing the economic growth and population growth rates of Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines, wherein the low two grew more rapidly than the Philippines collectible to lower population growth rates. They stressed that the experience from across Asia indicates that a population policy cum government-funded family planning program has been a critical complement to sound economic policy and poverty reduction.In Population and Poverty, Aniceto Orbeta, Jr, showed that poverty incidence is higher among elephantine families 57. 3% of Philippine families with seven children are in poverty while only 23. 8% of families who have two children live below the poverty threshold. Percentage of population alive below poverty line (2003). Darker areas mean more poverty. Proponents argue that low-spirited families and wider birth intervals resulting from the use of contraceptives allow families to invest more in each childs education, health, nutrition and eventually reduce poverty and hunger at the sign of the zodiac level.At the national level, fertility reduction cuts the cost of social services with fewer people attending school or tellking medical bring morose and as demand eases for hovictimization, transportation, jobs, water, food and other natural resources. The Asian Development posit in 2004 also listed a big(p) population as one of the major causes of poverty in the country, together with weak macroeconomic management, employment issues, an lowperforming coarse sector and an unfinished land reform agenda, governance issues including corruption. Criticism of premisesOpponents refer to a 2003 study of Rand Corporation, which concluded that there is little cross-country evidence that population growth impedes or promotes economic growth populatio n neutralism has in accompaniment been the predominant school in thinking among academics about population growth for the withstand half-century. For example, the 1992 study of Ross Levine and David Renelt, which covered 119 countries over 30 years (vs UP study of 3 countries over a few years). The RAND study also said that a large population can promote growth given the right fundamentals.Thus, they refer to the HSBC 2012 projection for 2050 that the Philippines will be 16th largest economy due to its large growing population, and those whose populations are decreasing will suffer decline. In his Primer which critiques the bill, Economist Roberto de Vera refers to Nobel prize winner Simon Kuznetss study which concludes that no clear association appears to know in the present sample of countries, or is likely to exist in other developed countries, between rates of growth of population and of product per capita. Julian Simon compared parallel countries such as North and South Kor ea, East and West Germany whose birthrates were a good deal the same but whose economic growth was entirely different due to different governance factors. De Vera says that similar conclusions have been arrived at by the US National Research Council in 1986 and in the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) Consultative run into of Economists in 1992 and the studies of Hanushek and Wommann (2007), Doppelhoffer, Miller, Sala-I-Martin (2004), Ahlburg (1996), etc.The other Nobel Prize winner who expressed the same view is Gary Becker. De Vera also states that from 1961 to 2000, as Philippine population increased almost three times, poverty decreased from 59% to 34%. He stressed that the more probable cause of poor families is not family size but the limited schooling of the household head 78% to 90% of the poor households had heads with no high school diploma, preventing them from getting good paying jobs.He refers to studies which show that 90% of the time the poor command the children they hav e as stand byers in the farm and investment for a secure old age. Instead of aiming at population decrease, De Vera stressed that the country should focus through education on cashing in on a possible demographic dividend, a period of rapid economic growth that can happens when the labor force is growing faster than the dependents (children and elderly), thus reducing poverty significantly.In a recent development, two authors of the Reproductive Health Bill changed their stand on the provisions of the bill regarding population and development. Reps. Emerciana de Jesus and Luzviminda Ilagan wanted to delete three provisions which state that gender equality and women empowerment are central elements of reproductive health and population and development, which integrate responsible parenthood and family planning programs into anti-poverty initiatives, and which name the Population Commission as a coordinating body.The two party-list representatives strongly state that poverty is not d ue to over-population but because of inequality and corruption. Opponents also refer to the statement of the Federation of Free Farmers that history teaches about the economic advantages of a large population, and the disadvantages of a smaller population. The Wall Street Journal in July 2012 said that Aquinos promotion of a reproductive health bill is jarring since it could lead to a demographic trap of likewise few workers.The Philippines doesnt have too many people, it has too few pro-growth policies. Opposing the bill, Former Finance repository Roberto de Ocampo wrote that it is truly disingenuous for anyone to proceed on the premise that the poor are to blame for the nations poverty. He emphasized that the government should apply the principle of first things first and focus on the basis causes of the poverty (e. g. poor governance, corruption) and apply many other alternatives to solve the problem (e. g. giving up pork barrel, raising tax collection efficiency).They also point to the five factors for high economic growth and reduction of poverty shown by the 2008 Commission on Growth and Development headed by Nobel prize winner Michael Spence, which does not include population control. Status Legislature On 31 January 2011, six different bills were consolidated into a atomic number 53 RH Bill which was wherefore unanimously approved for plenary debate by the hearthstone Committee on Population and Family Relations. On 7 February 2011, the bill was scheduled to go before the bear Appropriations Committee. 6 February 2011 the bill was endorsed by the House Appropriations Committee with amendment and referred back to the Population Committee for concludingizing the language. President and Cabinet President Noynoy Aquino during the presidential campaign said that it confounds him why he is always associated with the RH Bill and reiterated that he is neither an author nor a co-author, much less did he sign the committee report regarding the bill. He said that he will fully support the crafting of a firm policy that will address the serious problem on population. At the same time, Aquino said that artificial contraception was a matter of choice and conscience and that health professionals who fool people into using artificial contraceptives should be penalized. As a Catholic, Aquino said he himself was not promoting artificial contraception but believes that the government should be able to provide it to Philippines who ask for it. Aquino stressed Im a Catholic, Im not promoting it. My position is more aptly called responsible parenthood rather than reproductive health.According to Rina Jimenez David who is pro-RH, during the Women Deliver Philippines Conference held September 2010, Dinky Soliman, Aquinos Secretary of Social Welfare and Development, said that choice and access constituted the keystone of the Aquino governments policy, reiterating the administrations support for the pending reproductive health bills. On Decemb er 2010, the Cabinet and the CBCP agreed to have a joint campaign providing full information on the advantages and risks of contraceptives, natural and artificial family planning and responsible parenthood.They have established a technical working mathematical group for this purpose. They also agreed that government will not be an instrument to enforce or violate the conscience of the people about these issues. However, by April 2011 the President has given his full support to the entire RH Bill in a public lecture at the University of the Philippines and promised to push for its stringage even at the risk of excommunication. Compromise and alternativesSenate President Juan Ponce Enrile, Congressman Roilo Golez and Buhay party-list separately filed bills that seek to restrict abortion and birth control use. These bills have been seen either as a nullification of the RH Bill, its alternative, or as a way of achieving unity among the populace, since the RH Bill proponents have st ated their concern in preventing abortion. Presidential candidate Gilbert Teodoro or Gibo suggested a cash transfer from the government to individuals wanting access to family planning methods, whether natural or artificial.The individuals can then make use of the cash they receive to purchase birth control devices they may choose, thus guaranteeing freedom of choice. The Loyola School of worship and the John J. Carroll Institute on State and Church Issues issued 9 Talking Points on the RH Bill. Among other points, they proposed a study on the meaning of whim in the Constitution, and if it actor fertilization, abortifacients are to be banned even now and regardless of whether the RH Bill is passed.They also proposed parallel programs for providing information and training, one for innate(p) Family Planning (NFP) and another for artificial methods of family planning. Columnist Jose Sison of the Philippine Star criticized this a Catholic School of theology has actually proposed in public, the use of tax payers money to train Filipinos to employ methods that are objectively and intrinsically evil and cites empirical evidence and scientific proofs confirming the harmful and evil effects of contraceptives to individuals and to society. Recent eventsIn September 2010, Aquino during this visit to the US reiterated his stand that he is in favor of responsible parenthood and respects the decision of each couple as to the number of children they want, and if they need the government support for contraception, then the government will provide it. This statement has created a furor as Catholic church leaders say that Aquino has sold out the Filipino soul in exchange for some measly aid from the United States. The President of the Catholic Bishops Conference said that there can possibly be an excommunication of the President if he continues on with his stance.Pro RH Bill Senators encouraged the President to be steadfast to do his duties towards the state. The Presiden ts spokesperson Edwin Lacierda explained that the President has not changed his stand and is reaching out to the prelates and said that the President himself has not made any decision in support of the Reproductive Health Bill as he is still studying the document. Lacierda said that the Executive Branch is not involved in the passage of the RH bill, saw the measures fate rests solely on the legislative branch. Filipino Freethinkers, an association of agnostics, atheists, progressives, etc. , who have been very active in the fight in favor of the RH bill, stepped up the pressure, creating more controversy that fired up renewed interest in the bill on two sides. On 30 September 2010, one of the freethinkers, Carlos Celdran staged a protest action against the Catholic Church, holding a sign which read DAMASO a reference to the villainous, corrupt clergyman Father Damaso of the sweet Noli Me Tangere by Filipino revolutionary writer Jose Rizal and shouting stop getting involved in p olitics A fan page, Free Carlos Celdran was created in Facebook, which generated 23,808 fans in 24 hours. Francisco Montalvan of the Inquirer said that in the end the Damasos are the scheming, corrupt and deceptive people, implying that the pro-death advocates are these, while the Cardinal Rosales who started a nationwide fund for the poor is very far from Damaso. Meanwhile, the Imam Council of the Philippines, the top leaders of the Moslem population which at 4. M constitutes 5% of the Philippine population, declared that they are against contraceptives since using them underestimates God, and makes one lose morality in the process. During the first public hearing on 24 Nov, the chair of the Committee on Population handling the bill said that there is no instruction from the Speaker of the House to expedite the bill. Upon the call of anti-RH congressmen, the Committee Chair resolute to refer the bill also to the Committee on Health, since the bill is about Reproductive Health.Lea der of the pro-RH group, Elizabeth Ansioco, said that the bill is doomed if it is referred to the Committee on Health. Anti-RH Deputy Speaker Congressman Pablo Garcia said the members of the Committee on Health know of the WHO announcement on the carcinogenicity of combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives. House Speaker Belmonte said that Congress is not likely to rush the legislation of the bill and will tackle it in plenary early next year. Belmonte said it is cave in that highly contentious bills be given more attention.On 3 December, the Senate cut the proposed budget of P 880M for contraceptives down to P 8M for condoms since other contraceptives violated the Constitutions ban on abortifacients, and Senator Tito Sotto III said that his constituents never asked for contraceptives. On 27 July 2012, the Speaker of the House decided to put to a vote by 7 August 2012 whether the debates have to be terminated. In response, pro-life groups and the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines have decided to call for a Prayer Power Rally, on 4 August 2012 at the historic Edsa Shrine.Meanwhile, 6 co-authors of the bill withdrew support, with the head of the minority group of the house declaring that 8 of their group are withdrawing their previous support for the bill. Congressional approval and presidential assent At 3 in the morning on December 13, 2012, the House of Representatives voted on second reading in favor of the bill with 113109, while five representatives abstained. In the upper house, the Senate voted on December 18, 2012 to pass the bill on second reading with 138, while Senators Sergio Osmena, III and Lito Lapid were absent.On the same day, both houses passed the bill on the third and final reading. Members of the House of Representatives voted 13379, while seven representatives abstained. The Senate registered 138, the same result as the second reading. On December 19, 2012, both versions of the bill were passed to the Bicameral Committ ee to produce a final version to be signed by the President Aquino. The committee quickly passed the bill in just one session.It was transmitted back to the House of Representatives and the Senate, which both ratified the bill, with the Senate voting 115 in favor of ratification, and the House of Representatives voting via voice vote. On December 21, 2012, President Aquino signed the bill into law, codifying the bill as Republic Act No. 10354, otherwise cognize as the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012. News of the signing was announced by House Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II on December 28, 2012. Reactions Averilla, Jim Waine C.Philippine Government & Constitution I used to support the RH bill. But decision out the truth behind it, neither would you. I believe this law will put the Filipinos at risk of extinction because at its very core, the RH law is an extension of a secret, global conspiracy, a western attempt, to apply principles of eugenics on un suspecting, inferior populations in order to prevent them from the human evolutionary process, at the end of which would, at the highest point, call forth the master race. The truth is in our hearts, we just have to listen to it.At first my interpretation of the RH bill led me to think that it was just a bill meant to help educate the uninformed about ways to prevent them from fornicating their way to a very pernicious financial situation. My ignorant mind devised some simple points as to why the RH Bill was right. I thought 1. Minimum wage of a non-agricultural Filipino worker is P404. 2. If there were 20 working days in a month, the average minimum wage earning Filipino would earn around P8000 a month. 3. In average that person ate food on a regular basis, he will spend about around P70/day on food.There are 20 days in a month, so I guess that would equal to P2100 a month. 4. But if this person had a partner, he might want to feed her too. Feeding her would cost another P2100 a m onth. 5. P8000 P4200 = P3800 6. If this person and his wife rented a home, or used electricity and bathed from time to time, the amount left from his net income would be significantly reduced. Lets say their utility bills and rend amounted to P1800 7. P3800 P1800 = P2000 8. P2000 is a lot of money, but I dont think they should have more than 3 children right?Babies need milk, diapers, toys, immunity injections, baby medicine, etc 9. From this lets deduce that babies cost money. If babies cost money, I theorized that having more babies would cost more money. And from this data, I see that a person who spent a lot of money on children, but I didnt earn a lot of money, would soon be broke and unable to provide for both himself and his children. Another word for broke situation is poverty. 10. I believe that a person can avoid being poor by making less babies. So, I thought that steps should be taken to inform people about this very little known fact.I also thought that the governmen t should make contraceptives accessible so that people who dont earn a lot can properly manage the little resources that they have. Thats why I supported the RH Bill. But now I know that I was wrong. I believe that the issue of the RH Bill is not a religious issue. The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that the Philippines is overpopulated. -I agree. I, myself, have observed that the Philippines is not overpopulated. In fact, if you use your common sense and think about it, you will realize a few things 1. We are not overpopulatedLook at the mountains, the jungles, the caves and the ocean floor. There are no people there 2. If we were really overpopulated, we would have trouble traveling. But if you go to EDSA, theres no traffic. When you ride the MRT, its not packed with people. 3. Students in public schools are well educated because the teacher to student ratio is very low. In fact, because of our low population the government can basically guarantee that all public school stud ents are provided books, notebooks and other school supplies. The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that contraceptives are good for mankind and women. 1. I agree, the RH Bill/Law is not good for women because it might draw a woman away from her one, true, universal purpose the uninterrupted production of healthy babies 2. Furthermore, the role of women in society and the creative activity is to make babies. Thats why God made women. Thats their sole purpose in life. Theyre not good for anything else. Ever wonder why there are no women in the clergy? Because theyre not good enough. 3. Contraceptives would allow women to enjoy the benefits of physical intimacy while maintaining a successful and productive career, if she so chooses.That is so wrong. Only men should be able to enjoy that privilege. 4. Women should get pregnant every single time they have sex and only immoral women enjoy sex without the possibility of conception. In fact, a better alternative would be for women, in general, to follow the example made by catch Mary to learn how to conceive without having sex. The RH Bill/Law will put Filipinos at risk of extinction 1. Population decline is just incompetent for nations. Just look at the countries which have a declining population Italy, Japan and Singapore. Theyre in such a bad shape.The Philippines obviously has a better economy and has a higher literacy rate than these countries. In fact, many Italians, Japanese, and Singaporeans go to the Philippines for work. That only goes to show that a decline in population is bad for the economy. Our population is our biggest asset 1. In my opinion, people should make as many babies as they can because the population is not a problem. In fact, the more babies a person has, the more assets he has. Forget real estate properties, stock investments, or Jollibee franchises. The real secret to increased wealth is babies. 2.If you have 15 babies, youre practically wealthy because babies are assets 3. If y ou need money, you can sell them 4. If you can keep them alive until they can walk, they can one day beg for money in the streets theyre going to have to anyway because theres no way in hell youll be able to provide for all of them on your own 5. If ever a person is not able to feed the 15 babies he made, its the governments fault, because its the governments sole responsibility to make sure that every Filipino baby is fed. 6. The best way a person can contribute to this country is to contribute to its population. The RH Bill/Law is wrong because it assumes that reproductive education and contraceptives will effectively reduce cases of abortion. 1. Reproductive/contraceptive education will have no effect on the number of abortion cases. In my opinion, these abortion cases will not lessen because women will continue to have abortions regardless of whether they are pregnant or not. 2. Abortions cannot be prevented. Its just something that women naturally do. Like shopping, for examp le. The RH Bill/Law is wrong because it will make people participate in extra-marital and pre-marital sex. 1.The RH Bill/Law will practically encourage our people to engage in immoral activities. 2. We must protect our moral values and reject the RH Bill. Because, currently, not a single Filipino engages in pre-marital sex or extra-marital sex. Well at least this is what we believe until to this day. 3. The root cause of extra-marital and pre-marital sex is ones exposure to contraceptives. There is just something in contraceptives that people find very arousing. 4. In western countries, men lure strange women into bed by shown those condoms. 5. If we ban condoms, absolutely no one would engage in premarital or extra-marital sex. The RH Bill/Law is wrong because it assumes that parents dont teach their children about sex. 1. The truth is that parents babble out to their children about sex all the time. Its so not awkward. The dad usually tells his children how he takes off all his clothes, does a sexy Tiger scold and makes sweet, sweet music with their mothers body. 2. Also, a father usually advises his daughter that if shes going to have sex with her boyfriend, she should use a condom. sometimes the father even drives the daughter to the boyfriends house and waits for the couple to finish 3.Filipino daughters dont have sex without the fathers permission. unwelcome pregnancies or teen pregnancies never happen to Filipino girls. Thats why we do not need the RH Law The RH Bill is a conspiracy. Its all lies, all lies Salvador, Karissa Helene Philippine Government & Constitution It is very much unfortunate, disappointing, and alarming that nobody in the mainstream media talks about the negative, unintended consequences of the fascistic Reproductive Health bill, now called Responsible Parenthood bill, on the countrys business sector, particularly small businesses.I reject this legislative proposal mainly because its anti-reason, anti-individualism, and anti-c apitalism. In other words it is against individual rights, liberty and economic freedom. This is just one of the many aspects of the bill that it can negatively impact the countrys industry, particularly small business establishments that employ millions of professionals and skilled and even unskilled workers. Lets take a small cafeteria, canteen, or publish house near your place. Think about the small establishments and bar and restaurant stools in malls and many places in the metro.These small businesses that put two to ten or so people will be one of the main targets of the RH bill supported by some misguided, second-rate hippies who are largely schooled and professionals. Yet nobody wants to talk about this issue. Its as if these pro-RH bill hippies and fanatics think that wealth is created by wishful thinking, that is, by simply tone ending an intrusive, rights-violating bill purportedly designed to help the poor and women. What these anti-population and pro-regulation advo cates dont know is that the proposed legislative measure is itself a big insult to the poor and women.It is anti-poor and anti-women. The RH bill is a big insult to the poor because it treats them as dependent, leechs, worthless, or a leech who simply rely on other peoples extorted money or alms. Authors of the consolidated bill argue that one of the principal objectives of their highly moderate, anti-intellectual measure is to help reduce poverty and achieve sustainable human development. Still, what these political idiots do not and refuse to understand is that the government has no financial capability to deliver the promises of their measure because it is already bankrupt.The government, which is the worst sponger in this country, is not a productive agency or entity. It can only deliver some of the promised public services by using state force, like taxation, regulation, and forcible immolation of some social sectors like businessmen and health care providers. The consolidate d RH law is a huge insult to women and this is what actuary does not understand because it considers them as inferior, ignorant, weak, having no mental, physical and emotional capability to decide on her own and to protect herself.It treats women as ignorant and weak because the laws advocates believe that they need to pass a highly intrusive, unconstitutional legislative proposal to provide them the information and services they need. Also, the proposal is a big insult to every Filipino family because it treats parents as irresponsible, ignorant, weak, lazy, and having no capacity to make informed, responsible family decisions. It is stated that the laws primary goal is to help give parents the opportunity to exercise their right to freely and responsibly plan the number and spacing of their children. Thats the other way of saying that Filipino parents are not free and badly need the help and assistance of the state so to responsibly plan the number and spacing of their children. The bills highly mediocre and ignorant explanatory note adds The bill is truly rights-based. It mandates the provision of all forms of family planning, both modern natural and artificial, to women and couples as long as they are juristic and medically-safe, and truly effective. However, the containance and adoption is the option and decision of parents and couple, particularly women. If thats the case, why is there a need to pass the bill? The answer is because this is not what the bill is all about. In truth and in reality, it is about more political power Its about putting the entire business industry, medical profession and education sector under the total control and supervision of the state. In general, the bill is a BIG INSULT to the entire Filipino nation that has somehow embraced rational principles and the concept of freedom and individual rights. Those who ignorantly, naively take the consolidated bill at its face value will certainly accept the contradictory slogans.T here are two sides of the consolidated bill the fantasy side and the reality side. The measures fantasy side can be quickly gleaned from its highly ignorant explanatory note, which is filled with supportive statistics and some tragic information about the plight of the poor and women. They did not state how except the fact that they enumerated the bills nice-to-hear intents and provisions. The reality side of the measure is that all those promised, stated RH services would be covered or delivered by sacrificing, enslaving employers and health care providers.Section 18 states Employers Responsibilities- The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) shall ensure that employers respect the reproductive rights of workers. Consistent with the intent of Article 134 of the Labor Code, employers with more than two hundred (200) employees shall provide reproductive health services to all employees in their own respective health facilities. Those with less than two hundred (200) workers shal l gain into partnerships with hospitals, health facilities, or health professionals in their areas for the delivery of reproductive health services.Employers shall furnish in writing the following information to all employees and applicants (a) The medical and health benefits which workers are entitled to, including maternity and paternity leave benefits and the availability of family planning services (b) The reproductive health hazards associated with work, including hazards that may affect their reproductive functions especially pregnant women and (c) The availability of health facilities for workers.What does this partition mean? Section 17 details the bills horrible fantastic scheme. So once the fascist bill is approved, any potential or aspiring employer would be covered by it, which promoter that he/she would be legally regarded as an indirect government employee. The employers or companies who have the capacity (with more than 200 employees) would be mandated by law to p rovide reproductive health services to all employees in their own respective health facilities. This provision means that those employers and companies with more than 200 employees need to have their own health facilities, and this means additional expenses on the part of job-creators. On the other hand, employers with less than 200 employees shall enter into partnerships with hospitals, health facilities, and/or health professionals in their areas for the delivery of reproductive health services. Logic tells us that since employers and companies would be legally required to shoulder additional expenses, then they are justified to increase the prices of their products and/or services.Does anyone think of PRICE CONTROL? The state control of the entire medical industry is laid out under Sections 20 (Implementing Mechanisms) and 22(1) on prohibited acts. The penalty that awaits erring, non-compliant employers and health care providers could be imprisonment ranging from one (1) month t o six months or fine of P10,000 to P50,000 or both. This means that any employer may be sued by his/her employees for non-compliant with the intents and provisions of the bill.Once the RH bill is approved, anyone who thinks of starting a business, whether big or small, should consider the measures penal provisions, some necessary expenses, and the need to deal with government regulators. In the United States, hundreds companies left the Democratic-infested California because of the states too much regulations and anti-business policies. This is why I have been telling my blog readers that the bill is NOT simply about serving the alleged interests of the poor and women it is PRIMARILY about MORE GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS.The bill is about nanny statism or BIG GOVERNMENT. Already, many foreign investors do not want to invest in the Philippines because of its high tax rates, excessive economic regulations, pro-employee labor courts, leftist-activist court justices, among others. The Doin gbusiness. orgrecently ranked Philippines 148th in terms of ease in doing business and 156th in terms of starting business. In terms of paying taxes, the country has been ranked 124th. Corporations pay a total tax rate (% profit) of 45. 8 percent If approved, the RH bill would have the following negative impacts on small business . It would be more difficult to start a new business considering the fact the the bill criminalizes the mere act of doing business and its regulative, interventionist provisions. 2. Employers would be laboured to make additional expenses so to cover the RH care needs of their employees. 3. Since they are forced to make additional expenses, they might consider laying off some of their workers for survival. 4. Since they are forced to shell out additional expenses, they might not accept new applicants, a situation that would worsen the countrys unemployment rate. . Since they are forced to shell out additional expenses, they might consider some of the follow ing survival measure 1) salary cut, 2) less bonus or benefits, 3) cost cutting, 4) no expansion, 5) close business. 6. Since they are forced to shell out additional expenses, they might consider PRICE INCREASE. 7. There would be more promiscuous sectors (unlisted, unregistered businesses) so to avoid paying more taxes and complying with government regulations. 8. Potential and existing employers would be considered a NEW CLASS OF CRIMINALS or ENEMY OF social JUSTICE. . Those who have the money and resources would rather invest in a business-friendly economic environment like Hong Kong, India and other Asian countries. 10. Employers would simply shrug. You can help the poor without enslaving and treating businessmen, doctors and some other people as potential criminals or enemies of social progress. Think like a human being, not like a parasite You dont help the poor and the marginalized by supporting the RH bill its both the big and small businesses that can truly help them

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Satire and irony by Jonathan Swift

Satire and chaff are the main literary tools used by Jonathan swift in A Modest plan and Gullivers Travels. The source has used irony to create satire in making the audience see the deeper truths within the prevailing social, example and political circumstances prevailing during the time. darn making a proportion amid A Modest project and Gullivers Travels, nonpareil can see that the reason has used satire, irony and sarcastic settings in highlighting the problems and contradictions present in society. The former also intends to make comments on such circumstances without intentionally ad ski binding the reader for his response.In both A Modest Proposal and Gullivers Travels, Jonathan swift has used irony and satire to achieve certain goals chiefly because of the disparity in the structure of each work. at that place is a strong variance in the use of satire in A Modest Proposal and Gullivers Travels. A Modest Proposal is for sure a satire which aims at making people of that period to realize the patterns of cold and calculated callousness demonstrated by forthright rationalism in dealing with issues related to poverty and over population.Swifts works fall under deuce kinds of satire the formal and the indirect. Formal satire is narrated in first person while indirect satire is in the form of the acknowledgment appealing to the audience. A Modest Proposal is an indirect satire since the author speaks on behalf of a character who proposes to provide solutions to an audience that is primarily anonymous while addressing the political economy. The satire used by Swift in A Modest Proposal is aptly demonstrated by the following I have been assured by a in truth knowing American of my companionship in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout (Swift, 1996). The ir ony in A Modest Proposal has been presented by the author mainly through characterization whereby the speaker makes the proposals.For example the speaker in A Modest Proposal who is ironic is able to discuss coldly about the social and economic advantages of killing children and then eating them without a tinge or presence of all thought being given to the related moral problems. The irony exhibited by this character does reveal that he can just go on criticizing the moral weak points of mothers who undergo immoral acts such as abortions and committing infanticide.In a dramatic and very ironic statement, one of the characters in A Modest Proposal balks at the prospect of eating teen-agers because it amounts to cruelty, which is in stark contrast to the other suggestions in it. The characters in A Modest Proposal use satire and irony in indirectly telling the readers to ignore the other options and ideas thus giving an example of being represented by the most terrible social planner s and politicians. The character can make ironical statements in making them to appear perfectly economical without appearing to comprehend the appalling nature of the same.For example, on one amour the character talks about selling children as food, which is narrated in A Modest Proposal as I grant this food children will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children. Indeed this is a very powerful statement in being disguised as being the meaning that conveys the philosophy of the speaker and in addressing the fact that the rich land owners of England and Ireland had interpreted a counselling all that the poor inhabitants had.Such ironic narrations in A Modest Proposal convey to the reader in a rather cold manner about how childrens skin can be used in making admirable gloves for ladies and summer boots for fine gentlemen. It appears quite normal and postcode extrao rdinary for the narrator to rattle out such ironical words in implying as if it was something very simple and beautiful. The inherent irony in A Modest Proposal does make the reader understand the dangers involved in blindly adhering to a single philosophy especially when the entire population is promising to be adversely twistd.Verbal irony is the main figure of speech in A Modest Proposal, whereby the character says exactly the opposite of what he intends to mean. Swift has tactfully used such a device in making his arguments about the Irish people deserving improved conduct from the English, which is indeed passing amusing and powerful. In pointing out that the Irish should not be ill treated as animals, Swift has written, I rather recommend buying the children alive, and dressing them hot from the knife, as we do roasting pigs. In Gullivers Travels, Jonathan Swift has make the bureaucracy of England as the main target of irony and satire. Gullivers Travels is primarily a work of satire. According to Rodino , Gulliver is neither a fully developed character nor even an altogether distinguishable persona rather, he is a satirical device change Swift to score satirical points (Rodino, 1992). Sure the work begins with a lot of satire in attacking the different political machines.Primarily, however, Gullivers Travels is a work of satire. Gulliver is neither a fully developed character nor even an altogether distinguishable persona rather, he is a satiric device enabling Swift to score satirical points (Rodino, 1992). Indeed, whereas the work begins with more specific satire, attacking perhaps one political machine or aimed at one special(prenominal) custom in each instance, it finishes with the most savage onslaught on graciousity ever written, satirizing the whole of the human condition. Murry, 1972). During the time of Swift, the monarchy in England had lot of influence in most realms including law despite the increasing power of the bureaucracy. It is t his aspect which has been made as the object of satire in Gullivers Travels by way of the actions of the Lilliputians who take detailed stock of the possessions of Gulliver and in being prone to making official proclamations about the factors that governed the life of Gulliver along with that of the other citizens.This is evident from what Gulliver remarks in an key quote from Gullivers Travels, I could not sufficiently wonder at the intrepidity of these diminutive mortals, who durst venture to mount and walk on my body, while one of my hands was at liberty, without trembling at the sight of prodigious creature as I must appear to them (Swift, 1983). Such overpowering self immensity is an example of the satire used by Jonathan Swift in Gullivers Travels.It can be seen that a small and unimportant matter can be transformed and made into a bureaucratic and political issue of great importance. The satire is also evident for example when there is a war between Blefuscu and Lilliput be cause the Emperor cut his finger with an egg shell and there was no consensus about the best way to break the egg. This is evident from the quote from the book, Whereupon the Emperor make an edict, commanding all his subjects, under great penalties, to break the smaller end of their eggs.The people so highly resented this law, that our histories tell us there have been cardinal rebellions raised on this account (Swift, 1983). The war had specifically broken out between Blefuscu and Lilliput because the debate ended without any conclusion being arrived at in regard to interpreting which end of the egg was smaller. For the author of Gullivers Travels, Lilliput represents England while Blefuscu represents France. In narrating this story, Swift has satirized the aim little bickering and power struggle between the two countries.The introduction of Lilliput in Gullivers Travels is indicative of an absurd and miniature England instead of a distant Utopia. In conveying the description of the government and the land it is made clear that despite the Lilliputians suffering from the same faults as present in the English society, they possessed several principles that allowed them to have a Utopian existence, particularly when its comparison was made with England. After Gulliver escapes from Lilliput he goes to England and returns back to sea after some time.This time he lands in a strange land where he is the smaller one as compared to Llliput but is alone in this world and when he does encounter the first inhabitants he gets scared, for as human creatures are observed to be more savage in proportion to their bulk (Swift, 1983). This indicates that Swift has used satire in attacking humanity for their ways. The satire in Gullivers Travels reaches the top side whereby Swift put his most biting, hard lines, that speak against not only the government, but human nature itself (Paij, 2009).Using a great deal of irony, Swift makes Gulliver to come in contact with the Yahoo s when he comments about a Yahoo, My horror and astonishment are not to be described, when I observed in this abdominal muscle animal a perfect human figure (Swift, 1983). Gulliver ponders that the basic difference between him and the yahoo was the absence of clothes and cleanliness otherwise the animal was no less than a human.In making such narrations Swift achieved his goal in expressing the satire in showing that humans have overpowering flaws which ultimately expire to the degradation of man. He has used a satirical technique in Gullivers Travels in order to attack modernity. He is seen as being refer about the enhanced power of Europeans throughout the world, the nastiness of the privileged and the increasing importance of wealth for achieving happiness in life (Harold, 1986).Swift took Gulliver on quadruplet voyages which made him have a larger understanding of the flaws in human nature. Gullivers perceptions about humans and the world change and it is the change in his n arrations that conveys the authors social commentary and satire. Gullivers image of humans is not much influenced after the first voyage and so is the case for the second one. notwithstanding his image of humans declines steadily by the end of the fourth voyage when he comes across the Yahoos. It is in this way that Swift has presented his opinion about human conditions.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Library System Essay

AMA student Kariz Reinalyn B. Galano ( Don Ri plug-ino C. Lazaro, Rozmaigne Ann L. Sebastian, Kevin Patrick E. Viesca) (2012) cited in their approved thesis proposal at present ACLC has three vitamin C sixty five students enrolled. The institution is lively using a manual dodge in their Library and has weak security. Students can borrow books save aim to return it within 5 school days. There is no proper monitor on books being returned. There atomic number 18 no penalties imposed to the students as well. The scarcely way the bibliothec result find out if there are still pending books not returned is during the end of semester at the inventory period. The librarian then will not sign the clearance of the students who failed to return the books. Another problem is the list of inventory of books. The students need to go and ask for the librarians assistance in order for them to search for the books.Karen Foss (2010), Library Director of the Catawba County Library System in Newton, North Carolina has expressed that it is difficult to find materials to help bracing public subroutine depository library managers cultivate their professional get downment. Most of the research and writings on library management have focused on academic libraries and only recently has there been more interest in the administration of public libraries. The skill and style of public library managers the directors, branch managers, and department and service managers who are leading these institutions strongly affects the culture of a public library.Library staff looks to these managers to help them navigate through the rapid changes that are occurring in public libraries as these changes in technology, roles, and user expectations strongly alter their daily routines of public service. Contemporary library managers need a wider array of skills and attributes than their earlier and more traditional counterparts and will need to seek continual professional development to re main effective as public libraries transition into the twenty-first century. These managers will in like manner need to pock between management and leadership skills and learn to identify and mentor leaders within their staff who can assist in the transition. jibe to Alvin javelosa (2011) library is a collection of books, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is housed it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual. The term library has itself acquired a secondary meaning a collection of useful material for common use, and in this sense is used in fields such as reckoner science, mathematics, statistics, electronics and biology. this study will help the library forcefulness or the librarian in monitoring the books accurately. Further, the use of cataloguing will be made easier through an pull ahead system provided by this study.The librarian is encountering problems in doing transactions like borrowing books, ch ecking the availability of books, returning and admittanceioning of books because all the transactions are being done manually. The adjoin is time consuming. This proposed system will provide their library a computerized system making it more organized and easy to rile. The advantage of this study is to make their current system more effective and efficient. This computerized library system is a transaction answering system (TPS) that will provide a convenient cataloguing, inventory, monitoring, accessioning, borrowing, returning, security and retrieving of records. correspond to Mohd Fairuz Anwar Bin Mahadi (2005), The Library management system will store all the books and members info that consist book number, book title, author name and racks to the system database. The system also provides search function to help students find the book by number of book. Search functions will search through the books database to look for the book and peck where the book is situated. For t he administrator user, only librarians have access to status or edit data from the system databases. Administrator user will handle administrative functions such create new LMS user business relationship and decide the number of days allowed for the borrowed books. User needs to enter correct password and user id before user can access this function. From here, user can add, delete or update the book and borrower database. (http// spot&gid=3761&Itemid=208)According to Donna M. Salinas (2010) Library is the best present in the school where the students review and study. It is the blot where students study so our group aims to improve the manual operation of the library system. We thought of something that makes the time of students and library personnel decreases for searching and borrowing of books. (http// StudiesAccording to Shelagh (2001) Fisher library management syst em is becoming marginalized in the context of ICT developments currently taking place within the library sector because suppliers have failed to keep up with such developments, or have been more concerned with keeping up with the changes in the tenderness functions. The aim of this research, therefore, was to determine the feasibility of developing and disseminating a model system specification which could be used to assist and guide libraries in the procurement of library management systems. The premise was that if a core set of requirements for library management systems, as articulated by purchasing libraries, could be identified, it followed that it would be feasible to develop a model specification or toolkit on which procuring libraries could draw.Identification of a potential core set of requirements could be identified primarily by labour analyses of specifications produced by libraries for the tendering process in acquiring a library management system. Thus forty-one spec ifications were collected from libraries which had recently acquired a library management system, and these were subjected to mingled levels of analysis. The results are reported in Section 4. Secondly, it was decided that as library system suppliers were in receipt of large numbers of specifications produced by procuring library political science they were in a strong position to comment on the feasibility, and desirability, of developing a model specification.Thus, a survey of UK system suppliers was undertaken to determine the collective view of suppliers on the role, content, quality and usefulness of the specification as a procurement tool. The results of the survey are reported in Section 5. A detailed account of the methods used in this reading is provided in Section 3. The next section (Section 2) provides a review of the literature on the role and content of specifications, and identifies weaknesses in approaches to producing specifications for the buy of library systems . ( Rachel Delbridge, Sin Lambert) (http// to Veronica Adamson (2008) Changes in society and technology are impacting significantly on UK HE libraries and consequently on their management systems. Demographic changes, political and economic drivers are affecting university services and funding structures, and a new realism of pragmatic economic and business considerations presides. (JISC & SCONUL LMS Study Report, March 2008) Library management systems have developed in response to technical advances and user requirements, mainly in developing electronic interfaces, refining standards and access protocols, purchasing and acquisition processes and cataloguing systems. Increasing globalization of goods, services and communities means that technical platforms are now developed on an international basis and implemented for a worldwide network of users and contributors. A new market for library services and information prov ision has emerged, with Google and Amazon as a de facto paradigm and metaphor for baring and deli truly.Perceptions of the role and function of the university library are changing, developing and often conflicting, particularly in relation to the provision for collection and circulation, resource discovery, ownership and control, personalization and seamless access to resources. Enhancing usability and accessibility for an increasingly diverse user community is of increasing importance for libraries. Todays library users expect speed and immediacy of information discovery, one-stop access to aggregated services, user-generated open content, and personalized, workflow-related delivery to the desktop.( Paul Bacsich, Ken Chad, David Kay, Jane Plenderleith) (http// to Herrera C Rocio (1987) the work habits of users in any activity requiring information, the importance they attach to obtaining it and the facilities at their disposal, their intimacy of these facilities, their assessment of their value and the possibility of their obtaining what they are looking for are the factors that affect user behaviour in the quest for information. The behaviour of the users of university libraries specifically is affected, in accompaniment to the above factors, by others directly related to the university environment, such as teaching methods and the type of education provided. The countrys education system is a teaching-learning process largly consisting in an essentially repetitive pattern in which the student consumes and reproduces the concepts transmitted by the teacher. This model is mainly based on the university lecture system, in which the teacher simply gives a course of study and provides the pupil with a brief bibliography consisting basically of texts. The result has been that education has not become a critical and originative process and library resources have accordingly been under-utilized.As regards the response to the information services provided by university libraries, it can be said that research workers do not use the services properly since the role of the library as an agent for the transfer of information has been disregarded in the research process, this type of user upkeep to acquire information through informal channels of communication, such as personal contacts with other colleagues. In its turn, the library has neglected its task as a constituent part of the research enterprise, forgetting that one of the priorities of the university, in addition to its teaching role, is that of research, which is the source of much knowledge of benefit not only to the university but also to the community in general.The university library should pay additional attention to ascertaining not only the specific information needs of each type of user but also user behaviour patterns in the information retrieval process, in order that these needs may b e met and the factors responsible for the non-use of the library restricted to a minimum. This will be achieved through an appropriate methodology for conducting user studies, which will then provide guidelines for the organization of user training or instruction courses aimed at the various groups. These courses will influence the future response of users to information services. Since user behaviour in the information retrieval process determines the level of library-user interaction, continual monitoring by the librarian of changes in that behaviour is necessary.These changes are dependent not only on information needs but also on the come-at-able impact of the introduction of new services. This shows that, over and above the matter of training in the use of library resources, user behaviour presents a number of special features, largely reflecting the fact that the information needs of those concerned are not well defined and that their request for information are consequently vague and very general.It follows that library staff should bear in mind their active role in promoting and publicizing their services and resources since, despite the continual emphasis placed on the role of information in development, it has been shown that users tend to dispense with non-essential information, the usual practice being to rely on memory, to evade the problem or to solve it with vague or incomplete information. However, it should not be overlooked that there is another group of users who consult libraries actively and effectively in order to satisfy their information needs although accessibility influences the use that they make of resources, the most important thing for this group is their confidence and faith in the information system. (c Loreto M. Libia and Rua R. Ivan) (http// Neelakdan,B (2010) a sincere attempt has been made towards finding out ways and means for automating activities in the Scho ol of Chemistry Library. The objective of this study is to use the Koha clear Source software system for the automation of the major day today activities of the various section of the School of Chemistry Library, which is tiresome and cumbersome. After the investigation, the researcher has run aground that Koha Software is more suitable for the library Automation. This project had the basic objective of designing a bibliographic database for the School of Chemistry library, with which the automation of circulation routines is carried out.From this point of view it may be concluded that Koha is a useful package for the creation of a database and for information retrieval. This set of Manuals for the automation of circulation section is tested with the database created from the collection of chemistry department library. A sample database for a few thousand works and a database of the users/borrowers are created. With that test sample the Manuals for each function of the circulatio n section is tested with the available computer system. Koha is an integrated software system with all the required models for small to very large libraries. It is found that this automation projects will serve as a model for any library. (http// to Dio P. Doble (2011) A college strengthens its educational level through the advancement of its library. The Botolan Community College Computerized Library System aimed to enhance the procedures of the library, from manually operated to a computerized system. This proposals purpose was to ease the transactions in the library, i,e., leading of books, storing of books, search engine for books, manage members of the library and secure the library system. The librarian and the library users still use the manual way of transacting of borrowing and returning of books. The librarian use log books in listing the books. They use library cards and card catalogues in searching for reading and reference materials. (http//